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LaON, the INTERCOMmunication-maker


News / Reference

Date : 22-03-10 16:49
SBS A&T's IVEX studio goes with Genie IP Key Panels & wireless beltpack
 Writer : Master
View : 8,048

Please read the full article from below link.

IVEX studio has been opened in October 2021 at a large scale of complex, U-Planet in the Gwangmyeong KTX station area.  It is a future-oriented immersive multi-space online and offline platform for various digital media contents creation experiences. There are Hi-per hall, Creative studio, XR Lab, Open studio & Lounge and Lounge café in the facility. The main space, Hi-per hall is fully equipped with an ultra-wide LED vision and immersive sound system as well as Genie wired and wireless intercom system.

Managed by SBS A&T, IVEX studio has hold several events such as ‘Finals match of LOL the Next 2021’, an eSports audition produced by Liot Games and SBS(Seoul Broadcasting System), World e-Sports Challenge 2021, MAXQ Muscle Mania 2021 and various TV show programs produced by SBS MTV since its opening.

The client selected full digital IP hybrid intercom, Genie for their critical wired and wireless communications between the PD, FD, cameramen and other engineering and operating staffs during the various contents productions and events. 

Genie BS1000 Base Station and three GDP4 desk stations are installed in the control room and 7 BP850 wireless beltpacks are used in the control room and hall.  IVEX Studio