LaON Technology
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Let’s 5GHz Let’s stable wireless

LaON, the INTERCOMmunication-maker


News / Reference

Date : 19-07-29 12:32
MBC_Gwangju 2019 FINA Worlds Swimming Championship
 Writer : Master
View : 29,653

Dive into Peace’ Gwangju 2019 FINA World Championships has been successfully closed yesterday. LaON’ intercom Genie was supporting the critical communications between staffs at the main swimming arenas as well as for the opening ceremony where the president has attended. One Genie BS1000, one Genie BS850 and LT750 system with 45+ Beltpacks were used for this event. Especially our partner, SynkOn who was in charge of the all intercom communications for opening ceremony could manage for the reliable wireless connectivities while there are many wireless devices and high power equipments including number of 5GHz wireless video devices and VIP wireless.

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