LaON Technology
news 페이지 서브띠 디자인

Let’s 5GHz Let’s stable wireless

LaON, the INTERCOMmunication-maker


News / Reference

Date : 16-12-08 14:29
SBS 4K UHD 중계차 LaON LT750 시스템 설치
 Writer : Master
View : 16,440

SBS, for the first 4K OBVan in Korea, has selected LaON LT750 system, the newest and high range wireless intercom system. The system offers wired-like audio clarity with up to 7.2KHz audio frequency and supports 10 RBS repeater connection, and the Belt Pack can be in master mode. It has been 3+ years since SBS became LaON LT550 system users. There are many who have not yet experienced LaON 5GHz intercom but no one who has used it just once.

